Cary enjoyed her devil costume

Cary enjoyed her devil costume

Cary, an 18-year-old girl, was excited about the arrival of Halloween. It was an occasion when fun, mystery, and creativity all merged into one night. Cary had already planned her…
Two inseparable 18-year-old friends

Two inseparable 18-year-old friends

Vivi and Tina, two inseparable 18-year-old friends, had decided to spend the afternoon together in Vivi's room. Both shared a passion for music and fashion and always found creative ways…
Mariana 18 y/o

Mariana 18 y/o

On the sunny shores of a beautiful coastal town in Latin America, there lives an 18-year-old girl named Mariana. With her tanned skin, mermaid-like body, and black eyes, she always…